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Hire an Expert

Enhance your team and boost your IT projects or other business initiatives with our help. Virnex Group provides expert assistance and consulting services to help your organization efficiently manage IT projects and digital transformation. We also offer additional support for marketing expertise and setting up M365 Intranets. We help create the best possible frameworks and team structures for various projects and programs.

Our IT Consulting Services Include:

  • IT and Digital Strategy Development
  • IT Project Management
  • IT Infrastructure Management Consulting
  • Enterprise Architecture Consulting
  • Software Development Coordination
  • Cybersecurity Consulting
  • IT Process and Performance Consulting
  • DevOps Team Setup and Management
  • Team Leaders and Product Owners Consulting


Mies osoittaa fläppitaulua.
Neljä henkilöä istumassa kokouspöydän ääressä, yksi henkilö esittelee isolta näytöltä yrityksen tunnuslukuja

Experienced Team at Your Service

A successful IT project requires quality management and the right tools. Virnex is the right partner to help you manage IT projects and digital transformation more efficiently. We have successfully implemented dozens of IT projects, and our consultants specialize in complex and extensive projects across various business areas.

Experts for All Roles

Our key personnel have assisted in setting up projects, steering group work, and benefit evaluations. We are experienced in managing multinational projects, which require the skill to combine different cultural backgrounds and working models. We have experience in various roles, including project manager, product owner, solution analyst, scrum master, and team lead. We can also create a PMO function for large projects or provide a single coder to complement your team.

Nainen puhelinkopissa puhumassa puhelimeen.
Nainen tekee töitä kannettavalla tietokoneella ison näytön edessä.

The Right Model for the Right Project

We have helped our clients use various project management models, such as SAFe, Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, PRINCE2, PMI/PMBOK, and Six Sigma. We understand the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and help select the most suitable one or combine models to achieve the best results.

Our Mission and Story

Virnex’s goal is clear: to provide our clients with technological solutions that not only meet current challenges but also anticipate future needs. Innovative and customer-centric solutions are at the heart of our operations. Our mission is to act as a reliable guide for companies in digital transformation and AI adoption. We help our clients leverage technology in a way that makes their business more profitable and sustainable, ensuring future competitiveness.

Contact us to ensure the smooth and efficient execution of your IT project.

Kaksi ihmistä keskustelee toimiston käytävällä iloisesti kahvikupit kädessä.

Hire a Marketing Expert

In addition to IT experts, we offer marketing specialists. You can hire a marketing team as a service to help create effective and business-supporting marketing. We provide marketing services either on a project basis or as a monthly service—Marketing as a Service. We act as your outsourced marketing department, making responsible and sustainable choices.

Contact us to ensure marketing effectiveness!

Ota yhteyttä

Meidän asiantuntijamme toimivat oppaina uudessa digitaalisessa maailmassa ja tekevät siitä ymmärrettävän. ​Tarvitsit sitten yksittäistä konsulttia osaksi yrityksesi tiimiä tai kokonaisnäkemystä tiedolla johtamisesta, ota meihin yhteyttä!

Jani Laakso

Jani Laakso

Myyntijohtaja räätälöidyt ratkaisut