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Design Services

Creativity, strategic innovation, and service design are key factors when we start designing and shaping our clients’ services. We aim to provide our clients with technological solutions that not only address current challenges but also anticipate future needs. Innovative and customer-centric solutions are at the core of our operations, making us a rapidly growing and popular partner among IT service providers.


We Design Human-Centered Services

We always strive to create profitable digital business models that drive demand and growth for your company. A key perspective in our service design projects is technology and the new opportunities it offers, particularly artificial intelligence and its utilization, while keeping the most important aspect—the human being—at the forefront.

Kaksi ihmistä keskustelee toimiston käytävällä iloisesti kahvikupit kädessä.

Virnex’s service design concept is based on a wide range of service design methods aimed at shifting from internal organizational views and assumptions to deep customer understanding.

Our experts offer tailored solutions that help your company create better services, websites, and business strategies. We provide the entire process from start to finish: research, conceptualization, and design to implementation and follow-up. Whether it’s a new project or the development of an existing one, we are with you every step of the way.

Service Design

Service design helps combine business and customer understanding. Co-creation methods lay the foundation for a sustainable and customer-oriented solution that supports business goals. We have extensive expertise in services across various industries and believe that good service and an excellent customer experience are the best ways to stand out from competitors.

Nainen kirjoittaa post-it-lappua neuvotteluhuoneen pöydän ääressä.
Henkilö kirjoittaa seinällä olevalle post-it-lapulle.

Traditionally, especially in the software industry, the approach to developing functionality has been more organization-centric, based on satisfying functional requirements. The industry often talks about requirements specification and the resulting functional specification, which are important elements of a successful IT project. However, we believe that a well-executed design phase can give your company a competitive edge. Our design process considers user personas, interface usability, and different use cases.

Only after achieving deep customer understanding do we focus on designing functionality, the user interface, and related content.


UX/UI, or user experience and interface design, is an essential part of web service development. We offer comprehensive UX/UI services, including customer experience analysis, user journey design, visual identity creation, and technical implementation. We also provide high-quality content production that supports conversion strategy and search engine optimization for web services. Whether creating a new web service or renewing an old one, we help you achieve your business goals through web services.

Kolme henkilöä istuvat kokoushuoneessa pöydän ääressä keskustelemassa

Business Design 

Business design is a service that helps you examine your company’s strategy and value chain comprehensively. We assist you in identifying your company’s strengths, competitive advantages, and development areas, creating a clear plan for business growth and development. Whether you are a startup entrepreneur, an experienced player, or an organization facing renewal, we have the expertise and tools tailored to your needs. Business design is an investment in the future that yields long-term results.

Contact us

We are professionals in marketing, sales, and communication. We work in teams and select the expertise and creators that best suit you. How can we help you?

Marika Mesimäki

Marika Mesimäki

CMO, Head of Service Design

+358 41 454 1861