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Elevating Customer Experience in Online Services

A modern, goal-achieving online service is a combination of an organization’s strategy, business objectives, and an understanding of target groups and their needs. Additionally, a good content strategy, compelling content and images, careful user interface design, and professional technical implementation are required.

When planning the content for a website, it’s essential to consider its search engine visibility and create desired conversion points for continuous measurement and development. At Virnex, we offer comprehensive implementation of all these aspects.

Designing the UX/UI of Online Services

Designing the UX/UI, or user interface and user experience, of online services is a crucial part of developing digital services.

UX (user experience) focuses on how the user interacts with the online service and how the service’s user paths support the user in achieving their goal. UX design aims to make the service easy to use, intuitive, and pleasant.

UI (user interface) refers to the visual design of the website or application and how the user interacts with it. UI design concretizes the plan made during the UX phase and creates the visual elements that support the user experience.

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The goal of UX/UI design is to create attractive, user-friendly, and efficient online services. A well-designed interface can increase user engagement, improve conversion rates, and reduce bounce rates. It is an essential part of successful online service development, providing users with a positive and memorable experience.

The user paths defined during UX design ensure that the online service supports its objectives and is measurable. Content supports the designed user paths, which also form the basis of the conversion strategy.

Content Production for Online Services

The content of online services consists of various elements that together provide value and information to users. During the design phase of online services, it’s beneficial to involve future users and content producers. When renewing a website, engaging content, photos, graphics, and videos are needed. If your organization lacks experts in these areas, we have professionals for all required tasks. We can provide the entire production of the site as a service if needed.

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Conversion Strategy and Conversion Points

When designing the user interface, it’s important to consider the ultimate goal of the online service and what it aims to achieve. A conversion strategy for websites is a plan or set of actions aimed at converting website visitors into desired actions or goals, such as purchases, subscriptions, contacts, or newsletter sign-ups. The conversion strategy aims to turn potential customers into actual customers or leads.

The best outcome for a website is achieved when the conversion strategy is planned together with the customer paths of the user interface.

During the process, clear, effective, and attractive CTAs (Call-to-Actions) are created for the website. These can include buttons, links, or forms that guide visitors to the desired actions. In addition to CTA design, quality content is essential for the conversion strategy. This can include informative articles, product information, customer reviews, and other content types that help convince visitors to take action.

We offer a comprehensive design process that considers all stages of the website, from conversions to content, and continuous measurement and development services to get the best possible results from your website and marketing.

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Your Partner in Business Development

We help you develop your business, services, and communications comprehensively. With UX/UI design, we focus on creating customer-centric online services. We also offer comprehensive service design and facilitation services to help develop your business holistically.

Contact us

We are professionals in marketing, sales, and communication. We work in teams and select the expertise and creators that best suit you. How can we help you?

Marika Mesimäki

Marika Mesimäki

CMO, Head of Service Design

+358 41 454 1861