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Our services

Digitalisation is the fourth industrial revolution. It is changing the way we know how to run businesses, work and produce goods and services. It challenges us to embrace the whole change in the business environment, but also offers unprecedented opportunities: reliable data, its exploitation and understanding will make business more predictable, efficient and profitable.  

Our experts will act as guides in the new digital world and make it understandable.  

Our expertise  

Virnex’s team of nearly 100 experts helps growth and development-oriented organisations to improve their performance with the help of expert knowledge, technology and digital solutions.  We already serve more than half of Finland’s largest companies.  

Our services enable companies to improve business efficiency, make better decisions based on the right information, and free people from tasks that can be better done with technology and digital solutions.  


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Data-driven business

In a data-driven organisation, things are done smarter, and decisions are based on the right information.

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Digitalisation consulting

Relying on skilled experts is the best way to ensure that your organisation achieves its goals.

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Business software solutions

Business can be made more efficient, streamlined and improved through a range of digital software solutions.

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Digitalisation tools

Business and the data collected from it can be managed through digital platforms that ensure consistency of information.

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We guide your business into the digital world.  

We make work more efficient, profitable and data-driven.

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Diverse service offerings  

Our services include project management, management consulting and IT consultants seconded to our client companies, business software solutions and tools to digitalize your company’s operations. All our services are ultimately aimed at improving companies’ business performance through the efficient use of data and the business insights it provides. 

Are you interested?

Let’s set up a meeting to discuss how we can help you towards smoother and more efficient working models!

Contact us