Form Service
The Form Service makes creating, filling out, and processing electronic forms secure and effortless. We offer this service to your organization quickly and cost-effectively.
Our service is already used by over 30 public administration organizations. Join them!
Digitize Your Forms
The Form Service enables the smooth digitization of transaction forms for public organizations. Strong authentication ensures that the information about the form filler is always reliable.
The easy-to-use editor is an efficient tool for creating, publishing, and sharing forms. Form data and attachments are not stored in the service, so no personal data registry is created.
Our service uses messages to transmit form data. messages are the centralized messaging service for public administration organizations.

- Creating Forms
Paper forms can be digitized and easily converted into fillable forms using the editor. The completed form is then published on the website. - Filling Out Forms
Users can easily and quickly fill out the form online. No need for printing or mailing papers. - Sending Forms
After filling out the form, the user authenticates themselves with their bank credentials. Form data is not stored in our service, but the user retains a copy of the completed form in their own transaction account.
Examples of Form Service
- Grant applications
- Plot applications
- Private road subsidy applications
- Usage permit applications
- Various citizen complaints
- Student notifications
- School transportation applications
- Information processing requests
- Primary school registration
- Street permit applications
- Basic information forms for elected officials
Benefits of the Form Service
The easy-to-use service allows for reliable and convenient filling of electronic forms. The Form Service simplifies an organization’s service processes, improves customer service quality, and brings cost savings.
The Form Service is a secure solution specifically suitable for public administration organizations. We do not store form content or user data; only empty form templates are retained in the service. Strong authentication ensures the reliability of the information.
Communication directed through the service also helps meet the obligations of the KaPA Act regarding electronic communication in public administration.

Contact us
Our experts will act as guides in the new digital world and make it understandable. Whether you need an individual consultant as part of your business team or a holistic view of data-driven management, contact us!