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Customers are increasingly encountered online. Therefore, it is crucial for an organization to have effective online communication services that facilitate both customer interaction and business operations.

Virnex is an experienced website builder that tailors visually appealing, clear, and customer-centric website solutions. Our guiding principle is to ensure that all our implementations are mobile and search engine optimized, achieving their goals in the digital environment.

Websites That Support Your Business

Websites that support business development always appeal to their user personas, which may include current or potential customers, employees, or other stakeholders. Well-designed websites are discoverable by search engines and provide the best possible user experience for both stakeholders and site administrators.

Regardless of whether your site is obligated to comply with the EU accessibility directive, we always strive for the best possible accessibility. Up to 1.2 million Finns need some level of digital accessibility due to vision impairment or color blindness. We ensure that those using your website can access the services available.

Tietokone, jonka kannessa Virnex-tarra.
Henkilö työskentelee tietokoneella.

We primarily implement website solutions using the world’s most common WordPress content management system. In addition to brand-compliant visual design, we focus on usability, accessibility, and easy updating, and we secure your site with Virnex Maintenance service.

We also have extensive experience migrating websites from outdated publishing platforms to the modern WordPress environment.

Website Project Process

A good website is found by search engines and prompts visitors to take the actions defined as the site’s goals. The structure, texts, and images of a well-built website support the site’s objectives.

Typically, we execute website projects starting with a design phase utilizing service design methods, ensuring that the site supports its objectives and is user-friendly.

Nainen kirjoittaa seinällä olevaan post-it-lappuun.
Kaksi naista istuvat sohvalla keskustelemassa iloisesti kahvikupit käsissään

Turnkey Website Projects

In our experience, renewing web services is a project that involves several people from the company’s and organization’s perspective. We have expertise in content planning and production and can provide additional hands for various aspects and phases of the project. In addition to visual design, we offer other graphic design services and photography services, and we assist with content entry if needed. In outsourced marketing services, we also use AI-based tools, which enable us to produce brand-supporting content more efficiently.

Website Analytics and Growth Hacking

In the final phase of the website project, we offer additional services for implementing conversion strategies and analytics on the website. We also recommend our continuous Growth Hacking service, which includes regular data collection and reporting, analysis of website and digital advertising effectiveness, and regular monthly development meetings.


Nainen tekee töitä kannettavalla tietokoneella ison näytön edessä.

Maintenance and Continuous Development

Once completed, websites need continuous maintenance and technical upkeep in addition to content development. Virnex’s WordPress Maintenance and Support service ensures a secure and functional website. Regular technical maintenance is suitable for all WordPress sites and WooCommerce online stores.


Contact us

Our experts will act as guides in the new digital world and make it understandable.  Whether you need an individual consultant as part of your business team or a holistic view of data-driven business, contact us!

Erkki Ahonen

Erkki Ahonen

Business Unit Director Web services

+358 40 746 3263