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Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

Customized ERP Systems

Virnex offers software solutions that make ERP systems more dynamic and enhance your business operations. Our expertise enables the customization and modernization of existing systems to better meet current needs.

With over 40 years of experience with various technologies and systems, combined with intelligent automation and integrations, we can implement solutions that anticipate and respond to business challenges. We create tailored solutions for each client, supporting their long-term business growth and development.

ERP Systems

We provide our customers with customized software solutions covering ERP systems, project management solutions, operational efficiency, ERP/CRM extensions, and data management. Our expertise includes intelligent automation, integrations, and extensive knowledge of various technologies and systems, backed by over 40 years of experience.


Utilizing integrations is one of the most strategic investments companies can make in digitalization. Combining data, applications, and processes through integration is smart business.

Although companies today have a significant amount of information in digital form, the data is often scattered across separate systems, making it difficult to utilize. The challenge of fragmented data can be addressed by integrating various functions into versatile business platforms, but this alone is often insufficient. There are always applications and other sources of information outside the platforms that remain isolated from the comprehensive data management companies seek.

By leveraging integration platforms, different IT systems, services, and/or software can be combined to work seamlessly together, supporting business processes within the company and between companies.

An Integration Platform Brings Data Together

In a rapidly changing world, a good integration strategy is more important than ever. Businesses need to be prepared for quick changes, which can only be managed if decision-makers have high-quality data readily available. Information must be efficiently shared both within the organization’s operations and with external parties such as partners.

Implementing a comprehensive integration and data environment allows companies to focus on using data rather than just collecting and storing it. By centralizing important data through integrations, the quality, quantity, and accessibility of information increase. This enables genuine data-driven management and smooth decision-making.

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By utilizing cloud-based, service-offered integration platforms, companies can accelerate the implementation of their integration strategy. Integration platforms can also bring cost savings in the deployment, maintenance, and development of integrations. Due to cost-effectiveness and easy deployments, the popularity of iPaaS solutions (Integration Platform as a Service) has grown, allowing many companies to achieve more efficient operations and improved real-time decision-making capabilities.

Technologies we use:

  • Azure iPaaS 
  • Frends iPaaS 
  • ONEiO iPaas 

Key Benefits of Integration Platforms

  • Accelerate the deployment of critical business integrations.
  • Save on deployment, development, and maintenance costs compared to traditional point-to-point integrations.
  • Facilitate and streamline the monitoring of the performance and use of all service platform centralized integrations from a single management console.
  • Enable rapid integration changes to optimize business operations.
  • Provide desired predictability in integration budgeting with clear subscription pricing and faster deployments compared to traditional hand-coded integrations.
  • Reduce the need for coding, as information flow, workflows, automation, and services can be built using low-code and no-code methods.
  • Simplify the linkage of complex business processes into smooth process chains, improving throughput times and quality.
  • Effectively support service integration and service management SIAM model, where services outsourced to multiple providers work seamlessly in a common service chain.

Software Development and AI Solutions

Improving performance, developing services, or building a better online customer experience often requires a software solution precisely tailored to the company’s needs. Ready-made solutions are not always available. When that’s the case, they need to be developed.

Virnex offers solutions to enhance management, production, data management, sales, and online interactions, along with creative software development expertise. We help align your organization’s operations, your customers’ needs, and the necessary technology. With nearly 40 years of experience across industries such as manufacturing, wholesale, telecommunications, finance, education, and public administration, we can tailor solutions to fit your unique requirements.

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What Do We Do?

  • Our conceptualization and design services include service design, UI/UX design, and defining solution requirements, consulting architecture design, and outlining development roadmaps. This service is particularly well-suited to the beginning of a collaboration, but design is also utilized throughout the lifecycle to continuously support evolving business needs.
  • Our development services address both large and small solution needs. Our extensive experience from previous projects and our dynamic team of experts accelerate the quality implementation of solutions and their integration with other data sources.
  • Our maintenance and support services help keep your platform and services operational and solve issues that may arise in production use.
  • Our training and consulting services help companies adapt to changes in operations. User training is a crucial part of change management, as it allows users to feel involved in the planning and implementation of changes. Efficient rollout of new, smoother operating models is beneficial for both users and the entire company.
  • Through continuous development services, we can expand the platform with new features to quickly and flexibly meet the changing needs of the business. Expanding, optimizing, and customizing solutions provide a competitive edge, better customer service, flexibility, and operational efficiency. Our partnership-based service model, developed over a decade, ensures continuous development quickly and cost-effectively.

How Do We Do It?

By Modernizing – We know the system to be modernized and the new technology on which services will be built in the coming years.

With Versatility – We have experts in all significant technologies and cloud environments, from architects to juniors and testers to UI designers.

With Agility – We find the expert you need, even from the other side of the world.

With Experience – Our workload estimates are accurate, our resourcing is sufficient, we serve and take responsibility even after the active development phase. Our customers have been with us since the 1990s.


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Contact us

Our experts will act as guides in the new digital world and make it understandable.  Whether you need an individual consultant as part of your business team or a holistic view of data-driven management, contact us!    

Jani Laakso

Jani Laakso

Sales director customized solutions