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Digital Interaction

Digital interaction is not only a present necessity but also a future competitive advantage. We offer a wide range of solutions for developing web services and efficiently and securely serving your customers.

Dynamic Web Services

Traditionally, websites and small e-commerce sites are static, with all content entered locally in the site’s maintenance.

Dynamic web services utilize automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, and integrations between information systems. These transform the site into a genuine service channel, not just a static information platform.

We have implemented dozens of different backend system integrations with systems such as Visma Netvisor, Visma Tampuuri ERP, M-Files, Monitor G5 ERP, Oracle Netsuite ERP,, Paytrail, Telia Identification, Claned, Moodle, Visma Wintime, Fennoa, LinkMobility SMS-gateway, and many others.


Neljä henkilöä istumassa kokouspöydän ääressä, yksi henkilö esittelee isolta näytöltä yrityksen tunnuslukuja

Transaction Services

The world has changed rapidly in recent years, and nowadays, our customers expect to be able to handle a wide range of transactions through your web services. Customer service is often one of the first areas to be digitized, bringing it closer to the customer as a 24/7 service. Over the years, we have implemented numerous different transaction services such as:

  • Education funding support processing
  • Customer and partner portals
  • Digital permit acquisition
  • eMunicipal resident portal
  • Municipal transaction services

Technologies We Use

  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • Atlassian Jira
  • SharePoint Online
  • ServiceNow
  • Efecte
Mies työskentelee kannettavalla tietokoneella. Form Service

The Form simplifies reliable form filling and convenient data collection. The form can be filled out in our service and published on your company’s website. The form filler sends the form details to their message service and to your organization’s email simultaneously. The service requires strong authentication, ensuring the reliability of the form filler’s identity.

Communication directed through the service also helps meet the obligations of the KaPA law regarding electronic communication.

Contact us

Our experts will act as guides in the new digital world and make it understandable.  Whether you need an individual consultant as part of your business team or a holistic view of data-driven business, contact us!

Erkki Ahonen

Erkki Ahonen

Business Unit Director Web services

+358 40 746 3263